Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 058  
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Cover story
Rabbit run 20
It looks like an IBM keyboard, claims Coleco compatibility and promises CP/M. This new micro of mixed parentage comes under the scrutiny of Kenn Garroch.
Pull out and keep
Games galore
Looking for a good game for your micro? In the first of a two-part Micropaedia we round up a bunch of software for the Spectrum, Commodore 64 and the BBC and pick out the ones worth your hard-earned cash.
Issue 58 - April 21st 1984

Amstrad system on the turntable, page 2; hardware extravaganza at the Hanover Fair, page 3; Government acts on modem approval, page 4; pressure grows on software pirates, page 5.

PCN Charts 6
The ups and downs of the best-selling games and the most popular micros.
Random Access 8
Your letters with £10 for the pick of the bunch.
Routine Inquiries 10
Your questions answered, including this week: faulty micros, multi-lingual micros, Electron communications, BBC graphics and Spectrum assemblers.
Microwaves 15
Handy hints and routines from you, the readers, covering Spectrum sound and graphics, Newbrain, Oric, Lynx and BBC.
Readout 16
PCN reviews the new books.
Clubnet 18
A nationwide forum dawns for Aquarius owners.
Billboard 58
PCN's weekly micro marketplace for sales and swaps.
Quit/Datelines 88
Make a date - forthcoming computer events at home and abroad.
64 extended 24
Keith Bowden compares half a dozen extended Basics for Commodore's best-seller with an eye to their features, quality and value for money.
Microdrives made easy 26
Put your tape programs onto Microdrives the easy way with Gavin Monk's routines.
Graphical Apple 38
PCN looks at Pixit, a graphics toolkit for the Apple II that claims to take the hard work out of high-resolution.
BBC Edword 41
Kenn Garroch plugs in a ROM-based word processor with educational aspects.
Spectrum graphics 46
A side-by-side comparison of three graphics toolkits for the Spectrum reveals different tools for different jobs.
Spritely Dragon 41
A plug-in board gives your Dragon the power of sprite graphics. Piers Letcher reports.
Spectrum 48K 51
C-File gives you a comprehensive database program.
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