Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 059  
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Cover story
Portable power 12
The industry's latest bandwagon is portability. In this update on the state of play, PCN brings you Pro-Test on three new micros for every pocket.
Pull out and keep
Games galore
Yet more entertainments get the PCN appraisal treatment from our review team. This week we round up games for the Spectrum, BBC, Dragon 32 and Atari and separate the wheat from the chaff.
Issue 59 - April 28th 1984
Monitor 2

QL: Sinclair's overflow solution - page 2; Research Machines gets businesslike - page 3; Survey points out teachers' problems - page 4; Addressograph - Miltigraph enters IBM race - page 5; plus the rest of the week's news.

PCN Charts 6
Random Access 8
Your letters and your chance to pick up a crisp tenner. Let us know your thoughts on life the universe and everything to do with computers.
Routine inquiries 9
Got a problem? Get some help - our panel of experts awaits your questions.
Microwaves 10
Your microcomputing brainwaves presented for a wider audience. This week brings helpful routines for TI99/4a, Oric, Lynx and Commodore 64.
Billboard 51
Quit/Datelines 56
What do a Welsh micro, an American magazine, an ignition key and a French computer fair have in common? They're all on the back page this week.
Self assembly 22
Part two of Keith Hook's guide to easy machine code with the aid of an assembler.
Atari in print 35
Yet more products in Atari's range of peripherals - two new printers this time. Piers Letcher looks at the 1025 dot matrix and the 1027 letter quality machines.
Miracle modem 37
Ralph Bancroft marvels at a feature-packed nodem from Minor Miracles - with a magical price tag of £118.
Apple Homeword 38
Looking for a low-cost word processor? Mike Batham takes home Homeword, a disk-based package that offers some advanced features.
64 gets CP/M 40
A Z80 second processor and CP/M for £57? That's what Commodore is offering to 64 owners. If it sounds too good to be true check Peter Worlock's report.
Dragon sprites 41
After last week's review of a hardware implementation, Bryan Skinner looks at a method of producing sprites through software.
Oric 1 45
PCN presents Huebert, a colourful, action-filled version of an arcade favourite.
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