Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 057  
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Cover story
Our Readers' micro 20
We review the Microkey; the Forth-based micro that our readers helped to design. Ted Ball tests a machine that was designed by a committee and approves heartily of what he finds.
Pull-out wall chart to
hang by your micro
we send communications services to the wall in the final part of our communications Micropaedia. Our free pull-out wall chart lists the popular services with numbers, costs and interfacing status details. We give you all the essential details on hooking up to a range of specific bulletin boards and database services both in the UK and overseas.
Issue 57 - April 14th 1984
Monitor 2

Software prices take a dive, page 2; Oric drives set to disappoint? page 3; Kaypro sets up shop with price cuts, page 4; Texas 99/4A - the micro that wouldn't die, page 5; and UK's Toad is re-entrant, page 7.

PCN Charts 9
Follow the fortunes of your favourite micros and software packages with our weekly charts.
Random Access 11
PCN digs deep into the mailbag and the best letter of the week wins a £10 star prize.
Routine Inquiries 13
If your micro problems are giving you a macro headache, share this page with our other bug-ridden readers.
Microwaves 14
Hints, tips and incisive comment about the Oric, Spectrum, Atari, BBC and Newbrain.
Clubnet 17
PCN visits the North London BBC Micro Users' group.
Readout 18, 69
Don't judge a book by its cover, but instead by the rating it gets on these book review pages.
Billboard 73
Buy, sell or swap? This is the place to find bargains.
Quit 80
Our weekly attempt to find your funny-bone.
The assembled introduction 23
PCN begins the first of a series of articles to introduce machine language programming.
Using a portable 27
PCN's roving staff reports on using portable computers in trains, buses and baths.
Spectrum disks 32
John Lettice previews a new disk drive system for the Spectrum and spins its praises.
Atari print-out 34
Piers Letcher pens his point of view on Atari's new line of printers.
Commodore 64 52
Not the game for claustrophobics - venture down onto the ocean bed, or into the bowels of the Earth.
Dragon 50
Your missions should you choose to accept them - to control air traffic, or defeat nefarious Dr Death.
The French File 48
We test two new packages to teach français on l'Oric.
FT Moneywise 55
This financial modeller could be a competitor to spreadsheets like VisiCalc or even combination packages like Lotus 1-2-3. Neville Ash gives it a forecast.
BBC Model B 59
Trainiac puts you in the civil engineering business. You must replace bridges to prevent disaster on the Dodge to Carson City route, circa 1880.
Oric 66
You can scroll your screen sideways with this machine code utility.
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