Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 085  
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Issue 85 - November 3rd 1984
Spectrum Plus 30
The Spectrum gets a facelift in the shape of a 48K system, claimed to be completely compatible with existing Spectrum software and Interfaces 1 and 2. But it's the 'professional' keyboard that all the Plus fuss will be about, says John Lettice.
Commodore cunning 12
You must be canny and skilful to survive the tropical rain forest. Part 1 of a challenging adventure for you to type in.
QL window 18
Using QL windows needn't be a 'painful' experience.
Spectrum enigma 22
Fast fingers and quick thinking are needed for this heady combination of arcade and logic games.
BBC plumb job 26
A finger-flicking lip-smacking fast-action game.
Xtra special ITT 32
Not just another IBM compatible. The desktop Xtra seems to be taking on the real thing - the PC itself. Ian Scales investigates.
BBC melodies 39
The LVL keyboard allows musical evenings with your BBC.
Parallel lines 43
A Centronics graphic printer interface means Commodore 64 owners are no longer barred from using a parallel printer.
Gameplay 47
Spectrum and Commodore games get the thumbs up or down.
Multi-tasking QL 55
Should this powerful 68K operating system have been Sinclair's first choice for the QL?
Artful BBC 56
Clever stuff with colours on a Mode 2 screen is the promise of the Electronic Colouring Book.
Monitor 1
Yet another new Spectrum in the wings, this page; Acorn finally ready to release 32016, hard disk, and Logo for the BBC B; Quest releases CP/M for QL.
PCN Charts 5
What's gone up and what's gone down in Britain's weekly micro charts? Even Radio 1 tunes in.
Random Access 7
Don't keep it to yourself - plug in your printer and share your news, views and gripes.
Routine Inquiries 9
Gotta problem? - get an answer from our experts.
Microwaves 10
PRINT HINT: tips and routines from our readers.
Dungeon 29
Three adventures that use second-hand programming knowledge are investigated.
Software Pre-View 44
PCN gives you a taste of things to come.
Billboard 59
Can you afford not to turn to our second-hand bargains page?
Quit 64
Our lively look at the lighter side of microcomputing.
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