Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 081  
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Issue 81 - October 6th 1984
Spritely Amstrad 24
A special feature for an up-and-coming new micro. Keith Hook teaches you how to manoeuvre sprites on an Amstrad screen.
Commodore disks cured 12
If you have any ailing scratched disks this program could be just what the doctor ordered.
BBC tells time 17
Wall clocks are passé. What you want is a clock on your micro's screen - preferably one that works.
Game generators 18
Does the idea of writing your own games sound interesting? Well, if you own a Spectrum there's plenty of packages available to help.
Vic 20 Picture Pro 22
The humble Vic is capable of quite impressive block graphics, as this program by John Ingham shows.
Olivetti on the move 26
The reigning 'most stylish micro on a desktop' is now available in portable form, complete with IBMulation.
Remote control RAT 34
Cheetah is trying to put joysicks on the scrapheap with an infra-red games controller - but is it a viable alternative?
Flexible friend 36
Graphics of a very high standard can be produced on a Commodore 64 using the powerful software and lightpen combined in Flexidraw.
Spectrum Express 42
The trans-Spectrum express has arrived - an ingenious piece of software that allows programs to be transferred from Microdrive to tape and vice-versa.
Gameplay 54
Avalon on the Spectrum is the big winner this week, and more fun is in store for BBC and Commodore 64 owners.
Monitor 1
Whose head on the block on bulletin boards? this page; Boots in a minor panic, page 2; Spectravideo owners on a limb, page 3; and Oric unveils its modem, page 4.
PCN Charts 5
Enter the games arena or chart the successes of your favourite micro. Even Radio 1 is tuning in.
Random Access 7
Don't sit on it, tell the world about it - on the pages of PCN.
Routine Inquiries 8
You've got a problem? We've probably got the answer.
Microwaves 10
Brilliant bits and brainwaves from our readers.
Dungeon 32
Bob Chappell keeps you informed on BBC, Commodore 64 and Atari adventures.
Software Pre-View 41
A massive selection of new software titles have landed in our office this week and are introduced here.
Billboard 48
Micros, etc at affordable prices - take a look.
Quit/Datelines 56
The results of the laughline competition and much, much more.
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