Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 077  
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Sweet sixteen 24

Commodore has decided to try and follow up the enormous success of the Vic 20 by producing a successor. With 16K RAM and general improvements on the Vic - in some ways even on the 64 - the C16 is a winner, says Barry Miles.

Issue 77 - September 8th 1984
Monitor 2

Suppliers rally round Oric, page 2; QL users get alternative operating system, page 3; Protek accoustic coupler breaks price barrier, page 4; Acorn and Future take the gloves off, page 5.

PCN Charts 6
Charting the fortunes of your favourite game or micro made easy with our weekly update.
Random Access 9
Readers' letters: an amused view of the Imagine fiasco, and PCN's QL reviewers are hauled over the coals.
Routine Inquiries 10
All the technical know-how of PCN is at your disposal. This week we answer questions on the Amstrad, Commodore 64 and Spectrum printers.
Microwaves 14
This week's bundle of microcomputing tips help Amstrad, BBC, Electron and Spectrum owners.
Readout 16
Another small sample of the vast numbers of micro books available, to help you make your choice.
Software Pre-View 30

Rounding up the latest crop of software packages to arrive at PCN.

Billboard 42
Carrying on the tradition of the bargain basement, pick up a good buy on our second-hand equipment page.
Quit/Datelines 48
Concluding on a lighthearted note, we laugh at our own and other people's foibles and let you know what's on and where.
Arrayed for action 18
Arrays are easy to adapt to your needs when writing an adventure program - Ken Garroch shows how it's done.
Amstrad scrollwork 22
A set of machine code routines will have your Amstrad screen scrolling merrily up and down.
Pen-pal 28
The Parfitt plotter is much more than just a handy tool for drawing graphs and pictures, as Kenn Garroch discovers.
Versatile McVid 32
Playing around with sprites and graphics on the BBC is easier with the McVid package from Pica Software.
If you've ever wondered how to teach a novice structured programming, here is the answer. Just give them Comal and a Commodore 64.
Commodore 64/
Some fine contributions for their two machines: a fascinating 3-D space arcade game and a graphic adventure based on the TV series Dallas.
Amstrad 37
We've rounded up another collection of well-known games that have been converted for the CPC 464.
Atari 800 38
Another implementation of a famous arcade game, but an exceptionally good one and particularly good value for money.
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