Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 075  
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The definitive
QL review 24
At last undongled, 'finished version' QLs are making their way to patient customers. Has their wait been worth it? How good is the software? Should you now join the queue? Is it a quantum leap or just a stumble forward? We answer all these questions and more.
Issue 75 - August 25th 1984
Monitor 2

Headlines and hard lines from the week's movements on the micro front. Acorn Show report, page 2; Dragon sale a boost for users, and Oric states its position, page 3; Ad watchdog bites Watford, page 4; and Microdrive software is on the increase, page 5.

PCN Charts 6
Keep track of your favourites in Britain's only weekly computer games charts.
Random Access 9
Your letters wanted on any subject related to computing, with £10 to the best of the week.
Routine Inquiries 10
Gotta problem? We can probably tell you the answer. Hundreds of satisfied readers.
Microwaves 12
Hints, tips, routines and utilities here. It could be the solution you've been looking for.
Readout 15
More reading matter to wile away those hours away from your beloved machine.
Software Pre-View 32

PCN's software editor burrows out from the cassette and disk mountain to report on this week's arrivals.

Billboard 43
Dozens of bargain buys - and you could sell your unwanted equipment. It's free for the summer.
Quit/Datelines 48
Where PCN is dragged away for another week, yelling idiocies, confessing errors, hurling insults.
Spectrum graphics 18
Screen displays can make or break a program. We peruse four of the best graphics utility packages available for the Spectrum.
Memotech toolkit 22
Three useful routines from Keith Hook will get more from your graphics output.
Portable power 30
Tandy's Model 100 gives you portable computing - now a new plug-in box adds disk storage and interfacing for a desktop monitor. The best of both worlds?
64 stardom 33
It's not just the multi-thousand pound business systems that can enjoy the power of integrated software. Check out Vizastar - business integration for the Commodore 64.
Dragon Pascal 35
The language of the computing intelligentsia on the humble Dragon? Yes, it's true, but has it lost anything in the translation?
IBM in Oz 37
Not just another spreadsheet but a 'financial monitoring package'. Could make all the difference in the world to a small business. . .
Spectrum 38
Arcade action with Automania and Rapscallion.
Electron 39
We round up a handful of conversions for the BBC's younger sibling.
Oric 40
A lovable game listing - it's all in machine code so the action comes fast.
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