Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 069  
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Cover story
Cut-price portability 28
Lap-held computers are the year's hot products but so far the've tended towards business prices. Now Casio has entered the fray with a £350 machine that puts portable computing in the personal price bracket.
Issue 69 - July 14th 1984
Monitor 2

QL - Sinclair lines up the add-ons, page 2; drama at Atari, page 3; MPs join attack on piracy, page 4; and Brother extends its family, page 5.

PCN Charts 6
Latest movers in the games arena in Britain's only weekly micro chart.
Random Access 9
Readers' letters - and we pay for the best. This week an Oric owner bites back, Amstrad speaks up, and the loneliness of the long-distance computer.
Routine Inquiries 10
Problems solved here: Commodore extended Basics, modems for micros, plus a printer poser.
Microwaves 14
The place for your tips and routines. This week, help for owners of Commodore, Adam, Spectrum, Oric and Atari micros.
Clubnet 16
Clubnet goes west and finds a club mixing it up with the flower growers and jam makers at the local crafts show.
Readout 51
Give your trigger finger a rest and take a look at the new computer books. We pick out the best from the bunch.
Software Pre-View 36
A taste of things to come where we look at the packages that arrived in PCN's office this week.
Billboard 52
Pick up a bargain, or find a buyer for your unwanted equipment in our weekly micro marketplace.
Quit/Datelines 56
Last but not least - your chance to win twenty quid. Make us laugh and the loot's yours.
Sound out the Beeb 18
Machine code music, driven by interrupt routines, can turn your Model B into a spectacular musical performer. Lend an ear to Simon Williams.
Acorn arithmetic 20
For the mathematically minded BBC owner, calculate numbers beyond the grasp of the human mind. John Bibby takes you into the unknown.
Z80 assembler 22
If you can stoop this low your programming could really take off. Keith Hook helps you down to the lowest level with this continuing machine code tuition course.
Electron addition 24
Make more of your Electron with Acorn's multi-purpose interface.
Spectrum turbo 26
A little black box expands your options on the Sinclair supermicro giving all of the popular joystick protocols in the same package - plus the necessary hardware for cartridge software.
Apple magic 38
More for the artistic Apple owner with Graphics Magician, but like all magic, it isn't easy. Helena Siedlecka waves the wand.
Dragon start 41
Whether you're dabbling with data or seriously sorting statistics, Filmstar (pronounced Filemaster, not Filmstar) or DRS could be your salvation.
Spectrum 43
Take your strategic bomber out for a bit of after-dinner destruction, or enjoy a game of darts with the obligatory alcoholic accompaniment.
Atari 44
If the military life appeals this double dose of strategic warfare might be the game. Take your choice of tank or submarine and let battle commence.
Dragon 46
React - a colourful strategy game for two players.
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