Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 066  
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Cover story
Advance to go? 28
It's big, brutal and British but with the backing of W H Smith the Advance may be a goer. Geof Wheelwright wrestles with the monster that aims to cover the micro market from home to business.
Free competition
Win an Amstrad
colour micro
A 64K Amstrad micro with built-in tape recorder and colour monitor could be yours in this simple competition. Plus for 150 runners-up we have a range of top CDS games packages including the superb Colossus Chess.
Issue 66 - June 23rd 1984
Monitor 2

Commodore jumps the gun on modems, page 2; Bug-free QL ready to roll, page 3; IBM Show dominated by micros, page 4; and Rosetti coaxes music from the Commodore 64 and Spectrum, page 5.

PCN Charts 6
The latest movers - up and down - in Britain's No. 1 charts. See how your micro and favourite game are faring.
Random Access 9
Your letter, with a crisp tenner for the best. This week some thoughts on software piracy.
Routine Inquiries 10
Your questions answered, with help this week for would-be Amstrad owners, Spectrum, Oric and Pascal programmers.
Microwaves 14
Hints and tips for the popular machines including Spectrum, BBC, Oric, Commodore 64 and Coleco Adam.
Clubnet 16
PCN meets the robotics enthusiasts of Bedford Computer Club.
Software Pre-View 34
Our regular look at the games and utilities that have arrived at PCN's offices this week.
Readout 50
Looking for a good computer book? Take our advice and check out the new releases.
Billboard 51
You can't afford not to turn to our secondhand bargain page.
Quit/Datelines 56
Last but not least: the industry's idiocies, our mistakes, Mollusc, dates for your diary and more.
64 and CP/M 17
A machine code parallel printer driver for the Commodore 64 running under CP/M. It's a handy utility to have . . .
Dragon graphics 18
When it comes to animated displays, sprites can make your life a lot easier. With this machine code collection you can add the facility to your Dragon.
Atari disk drive 25
A third-party disk for your Atari opens up a range of serious applications - especially when it's bundled with a suite of serious software. Kenn Garroch takes the Indus GT for a run.
Everyman's data 36
A database for everyone? Everyman on the IBM PC claims to fulfil that need, but how well does the claim stand up?
Spectrum cookery 40
A non-violent program that moves your micro into a new area - the kitchen. Bug Byte's Computer Cookbook turns your Spectrum into a recipe book and menu planner.
Atari 42
Take on a horde of robot gladiators or risk danger on a jungle safari.
BBC 45
Take your pick - a nightmare experience in bed or the chance to fulfil your swashbuckling fantasies in Sword Master.
Oric 46
Once more its up to you to save the civilised world in Reactor Force where a nulear reactor threatens disaster and a bunch of twisted androids are out to stop you.
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