Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 049  
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Issue 49 - February 18 1984
Pull out and keep
The third instalment of our Atari Micropaedia looks at the peripherals and add-on devices for Atari's range of computers and concludes our look at Atari Basic.
Win an Atari 600XL
Don't miss this chance to get in on £1,250 worth of prizes. We're giving away six Atari 600XLs, copies of the Atariwriter word processor and versions of Donkey Kong to run on Ataris, Commodores or the TI-99/4A. This week you get the form you'll need to enter the competition.
Monitor 2

Oric reveals its family planning, page 2: ACT set to keep the Sirius afloat, page 3; Wordplex makes its bid in the PC-compatibility stakes, page 4; Far Eastern Peanut arrives, page 5; Tenth ZX Microfair report, page 6.

PCN Charts 11
Check the rise and fall of top selling games and micros.
Random Access 12
Space to put your point of view, and the chance to win £10 for star letter of the week.
Routine Inquiries 15
We've got the experts if you've got a micro problem. Let PCN put you right in this question and answer page.
Microwaves 16
Hints and rips for Lynx, Oric, text centring and calculating square roots. £5 paid for each one printed.
Readout 23
Reviews of new books for the Spectrum, Dragon, Commodore 64 and Vic-20.
Databasics 73
Comprehensive list of best software buys: business, home and games.
Billboard 82
Second hand sales of your hardware and software.
Quit/Datelines 88
We look at the lighter side of microcomputing, and give dates for your diary.
Cover story
Oric's Atmos
Beauty only skin deep? Oric has tried to put old wrongs right in its new-look Atmos. Bob maunder measures its success.
Jocular Jargon 25
A light-hearted look at computerese as John Lettice defines a computer term or two . . .
Spectrum Screen 29
Break out of the Spectrum's limited screen format with Kevin Ball's machine code routine for a 42-column display.
The Right Track 34
Tracker balls allow accurate control for more skillful game-playing. Piers Letcher looks at high- and low-priced versions.
Spectrumspeak 36
Three ways to start a conversation with your micro. David Janda does the voice test.
Dragon Designs 50
Smarten up your text displays with Rainbow Writer, as described by Mike Gerrard.
Colour Genie Star 53
John Fairbairn studies Zen and the art of a package offering editor, assembler and monitor for the Genie, TRS-80 and Lynx.
Spectrum School 59
Simple programs for small children? We assess three new packages to see how good they are for learning.
Vic-20 61
Patrol the planet Synlac or try this version of Jetpac.
Commodore 64 55
Steer your balloon through a thorny maze or rescue paratroopers.
Commodore 64 64
Free sprite generator program.
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