Computer Museum - Personal Computer News - 001  
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Issue 1 - Week Ending March 18th 1983
Monitor 2
What colour costs on the IBM; Micronet 800 trial run - sturdiness may not be an asset on the BBC . . . plus reports and pictures of what's happening in the micro world.
PCN's Paperchase 18
Four chances to win a micro . . . Bend your mind. And stay tuned.
Chess Programs 30
Champion David Levy explains how a micro can beat the best.
Processing in parallel 32
Richard King introduces Occam - the new language that runs several parts of a program at once.
Oric Enterprise 34
Our mission - to boldly plot where no programmer has plotted before on Oric.
Redefining characters 39
Three new ways to use the function keys on Victor-types.
Software 43
New graphics packages put through their paces: 3D for the Spectrum, GraphMagic for the IBM and Apple, and EDG's Graphics System for the BBC.
Hardware 50
Richard King unveils Lisa and its ikons. Full review of the Texet TX800 - the first colour computer to challenge the Spectrum.
Peripherals 56
The Spectrum learns to talk, Apple's new printer means business and Commodore machines team up with a new networking switch.
Gameplay 67
Just out ... darts and soccer for the Atari, wizards and medieval warlocks for the BBC and Nigel Cross tests a flight simulator for the IBM.
Random Access 19
Your space - your letters. Your reward? - £10 for the best of the batch.
Routine Inquiries 22
Qwerty, quirky and questionable. Max gets to grips with your problems in his regular help spot.
Microwaves 26
£5 for a hot shot hint. Your chance to turn a tip into hard cash.
Readout 41
New books, some good . . . some not. Each week we'll process and printout our reviews of what's new on the bookstalls.
Clubnet 76
Club and user group contacts at your fingertips.
PCN Datelines 76
What's on and where, home and abroad.
PCN ProgramCards 79
A unique way to build up your listings library. Cut out and keep.
Databasics 90
Your up-to-date guide to hardware and peripherals. Latest prices, latest specs.
PCN Billboard 99
Buy, sell or swop through your free advertisements.
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