Computer Museum - Magazines - Your 64 & VIC 20, October 1984.  
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New Resolutions
Advanced graphics techniques. Keith Bowden discusses the benefits of digital differential analysis, a memory-efficient method of saving graphics screens to tape or disk, and more.
Machine Code Tutor (part 1)
The first instalment of Y64's attempt to turn all you Basicites into fully-fledged machine-code programmers! Andrew Bennett points the way.
Comms Link
Enter the world of computer communications! From baud rates to viewdata, Y64 eases you through the jargon.
Sprit Logo, Icon-Style
Marlene Kliman of the artificial intelligence department of Edinburgh University is mixing icons with joysticks and Commodore's Sprite Logo. She explains the extent of the project so far.
Controlling Interest
Put your 64 in charge! The VIC-REL cartridge will enable it to control anything from burglar alarms to train sets. Clive Embery makes the connection.
Zork Talk
The infamous Zork adventures have made the transition from mainframe to 64. Andy Holderness boldly goes where many a DEC-10 user has gone before...
Open Access
Readers' Top 20 games, a coding challenge in Puzzlepoint, forthcoming software releases and all the 64 news.
A better reset, networking 64s, rescuing art directors from attacking piranhas... what else but your letters?
Y64's utility workshop. This month's projects include a program to copy sprites, a simple typewriter program and a PRINT AT simulation.
Action Replay
Herculean labours, Cuthbert strikes again, rockin' 'n' rollin' your way to stardom - Ken Clark gives you the super-lowdown on the games that make it, and those that don't!
Win both a Commodore and VTX modem, subscriptions to Micronet 800 and Compunet plus a year's supply of Y64s.
Keyboard Kapers
A tank battle amid the hills; defend the end of a time tunnel from the invading aliens.
Talkin' 64
Which way Valhalla? Phil Z Manchester journeys to Purley for a date with Legend's John and Jan Peel.
Your 64 & VIC 20
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